Vocational Training of Xaloc gives the following certificate of professionalism. This training is fully subsidized by the Servei d'Ocupació de Catalunya (SOC) and is aimed primarily at unemployed workers. The Certificate of Professionalism accredits the person for professional development.
Certificatioń of professionalism: Yes (Level 2)
Start: Dates pending to be determined
Hours: afternoons
Duration: 620 h face-to-face (540h. of traininǵ in the center and 80h. of practices in company)
Place of teaching: Xaloc Technic School. Avda. Granvia de Hospitalet 100 . 08902 – Hospitalet de Llobregat
OBJECTIVE: To carry out the machining processes by chip removal, controlling the products obtained and taking responsibility for the first level maintenance of the machines and equipment, with criteria of quality, safety and respect for the environment.
MF0089_2: Chip removal processes (100h)
- UF0876: Technical specifications in machining processes by chip removal.
- Cost calculations in machining processes by start-up shavings.
MF0090_2: Preparation and programming of machines and chip removal systems (260h).
- UF0878: preparation of machines, equipment and tools in machining operations by chip removal.
- UF0879: Development́ of CNC programs for the manufacturé of parts by chip removal.
- UF0880: Auxiliary manufacturing processes ́ in machining by chip removal.
- UF0877: Prevention of occupational and environmental risks in machining by chip removal.
MF0091_2: Machining by chip removal (50h).
- UF0881: Machining process by chip removal
- UF0882: Testing and optimization of the CNC program for machining by chip removal.
- UF0883: Verificatioń of the machined product by chip removal.
FMEH_FCO: Complementary Training (10h).
MP0182: Non-work professional internship module (80h).
ACCESS REQUIREMENTS: Be registered in the Public Employee Service of Catalonia and have any of the following qualifications: graduated in ESO, certificate of professionalism level 2, certificate of professionalism level 1 of the same family and professional area as the certificate to which you want to access, meet the academic requirements of access to intermediate training cycles or have passed the corresponding entrance exams regulated by the educational administrations, have passed the university entrance exam for people over 25 and / or 45 years old. In the case of students who cannot provide the supporting documentation to meet the requirements, the entity will verify through the key skills tests, that they have sufficient training or professional knowledge to allow them to carry out the training successfully.